Let ‘s start with a couple things that these 12 lucky people had to say about driving the 1M:

– “Absolutely incredible ”
– “The motor sounds awesome ”
– “The car was fixed to the road ”

Ok so they loved it (as you can see in the video above). But as you ‘d expect the reactions are from giddy fans and not seasoned writers or even seasoned BMW enthusiasts. So what can we really tell from this video?

– The sound as gotten better (:56)
– The interior looks great with the new gauges (1:49)
– The M button makes the “horse become a beast ” – yeah broken english but you get the point (2:15)
– M has added a more defined rear spoiler as seen under the tarp (2:49)
– Everybody seems to agree it looks fantastic uncovered.

So there you have it. Our next look at the 1M will be at Detroit (or online if there are leaks) in early January. We ‘ll be there to cover it all and will follow it up with a real test drive of our own in early Spring.

For more 1M coverage check out our 1M section here.