We ‘re changing things at BimmerFile. It ‘s been almost five years since we launched the site and over ten since we launched it ‘s sister site MotoringFile. And during that time we ‘ve seen content change. For instance things have gone from blog-like and personal to more video, review focused on this site and others. In addition, our audience ‘s expectations have changed as well. Sites like Pinterest and the proliferation of apps on smartphones has changed the way people read and interact with content. Finally our audience isn ‘t just sitting at a desk and looking at the site on a computer. More often our readers are catching the site on the couch via an iPad or even at work on their smartphone.

So today we ‘re redesigning BimmerFile with it all in mind. The first things you ‘ll see is a new layout that focuses on featured stories that rotate via large images at the top. Then you ‘ll see a more efficient layout of recent stories which will allow for quicker browsing of content. Also worth nothing are the three content areas on the right site that break-out Reviews, Motorsport and Official news for quick reads.

Beyond theses changes there ‘s one massive one under the hood. With this redesign BimmerFile has gone 100% responsive. This means the site will seamlessly re-organize itself to whatever size screen you ‘re using. Be it laptop, tablet or smartphone the site will deliver relevant layout and content. The key word though is will. There ‘s still work to be done optimizing for both mobile and tablet.

But enough of the details. Instead we ‘d like to invite you in to kick the tires and check it out.

Yes there are likely some issues here and there – especially in mobile and tablet. And in some cases we ‘ve done away with a few small features in a bid to simplify the site and it ‘s content strategy. But that doesn ‘t mean it ‘s 100% right. If you find something broken, weird or just wrong, let us know via the contact link at the top of the page.

Thanks and enjoy,
BimmerFile Staff