The world was shocked (depending on who you talk to) to learn that Honda was pulling out of F1 racing entirely and selling or dis-banding it ‘s F1 team. It ‘s given more than a few BMW F1 fans some pause. But according to the official statement below, there ‘s nothing to worry about for the time being. Here ‘s the official statement from BMW AG:

>Dr. Klaus Draeger, Member of the Board of Management of BMW AG, Development: “It is with regret that we learnt of Honda’s decision. It has no bearing on BMW’s involvement in Formula One.

>Our F1 involvement is an integral part of the company strategy. There is no better platform than Formula One for demonstrating our brand values. BMW, moreover, makes targeted use of the Formula One project as a technology accelerator for series production.

>With the BMW Sauber F1 Team, we have from the start focused on high efficiency and have achieved our successes with a compact and powerful team. The cost-benefit ratio is commensurately positive. The measures now proposed by FOTA for significant cost cuts starting as early as season 2009 are a further important contribution. ”