This new iDrive system is creating a buzz that is for once positive about BMW technology. This positive buzz may also open the eyes of car mags and critics to the idea (finally) of iDrive not being as bad as they try to make it out to be. The current system is a vast improvement to the original in the 7 series, but because it retained the same name, to many it was the same system.
When we originally brought you the pictures of the controller we were happy with that improvement. When we heard about what the operating system would be like we were ecstatic. When we finally were able to see the system we were captivated, now we are just simply blown away. If the system can do half of what it is supposed to effectively and efficiently it will be a great success, especially since it looks beautiful!
We hope that the new system, we would like to dub iDrive 2.0, is just the beginning of new successes in BMW creature comfort technology!
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